Before I start getting too deep into my topics I want to implant a thought to help you as you read this blog. Please be aware that what you put into you is what you’re going to get out! Yep, read it again! I’m almost at the end of my twenties and I still have to remind myself of this from time to time. We sometimes forget that all we consume whether it be food, knowledge, music, energy, sunlight, and sleep affects how we grow and become better. The more you live and learn the better we become. So the more you can learn and apply some of the things I am going to show you the more you will get out of your self and experiences. I also want to remind everyone that these ideas and concepts are from my experience or the experiences of family, friends, and professionals who I will cite, bring in as guests, and mention from time to time. So please remember that when moving forward.
Also, we as individuals do not know everything so I will be citing different Instagram pages, professionals, blogs, books, and podcasts. This will allow me to give a wide range of examples, and information that is applicable for most people. I would recommend you take a listen, read, or look for yourself as well.
Lastly, my grammar is not going to be perfect. I will always do my best to be grammatically correct but I will still add my colloquialisms and occasional curse words.
As always
~from CJ with love 💚